The Sensory Safari

A unique, interactive group experience which aims to provide people with the opportunity to learn about their sensory preferences and needs.

about the course

The Sensory Safari courses have been designed with up-to-date evidence, including aspects of nature, play and interactive activities to provide participants with opportunities to explore, experience and understand their own sensory likes and dislikes in a supportive environment.

The aim of the 6 week course is to support people gaining more knowledge and skills around their own sensory profile, common responses to the different sensations, and strategies to support them participating and engaging in activities in all areas of their lives.

Each 1-hour class is small, with a maximum of 6 people in each group. They are run in local venues which are accessible to all Participants, including the toilets.  Everything you might use to learn about your senses will be provided for you to choose from.

The sensory safari courses may be helpful for people who have not yet learnt their sensory likes and dislikes, or who may benefit from some practice with strategies to listen to and respond to their sensory systems.

This Sensory Safari course is closely linked with the Emotional Exploration course as the sensory experiences we have are closely intertwined with the emotions we feel everyday.

contact and referrals

If you would like to join any of our classes or courses, please feel free to contact us, or complete the online referral form.